Causes of Excessive Ice Build Up in Freezers and What You Need to Do?
26 February 2021
Many home properties and commercial establishments that are part of the food service industry maximise freezers as one of their main storage spaces for food products. A freezer is a type of container that can maintain a freezing temperature just to protect foods from bacteria, mould, and rot. But just like other storage spaces and appliances, freezers can still have some issues as they operate for a long time. Sometimes, freezers can be either too cold or too warm. They can also release some bad odour or operate loudly. Food products, especially those that are dehydrated, can likewise get freezer […]
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Refrigerated Meat, Deli, and Fish Cases: What are the Differences?
15 February 2021
Establishments that sell food often utilise refrigeration units so they can store and preserve their food products. One type of refrigeration units that they normally maximise is a refrigerated display case. Refrigerated display cases have display glasses that enable store personnel and customers to see the condition of the products while they are being stored in cold temperatures. Some of these display cases may have a curved glass, which is known to be expensive. Others, alternatively, only use straight glass. Almost all refrigerated display cases share the same core functions and appearance, but they actually differ according to the type […]
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Back Bar Bottle Coolers: When and Why You Need it for Your Business
28 January 2021
Hospitality businesses have been utilising different types of refrigeration units in conducting their daily operations, especially when it comes to food storage and preservation. After all, most of them have to offer or sell various types of foods and drinks to customers. Without these appliances, it would be difficult for them to cater to the needs and requests of their customers. These establishments would likewise find it challenging to store and keep their products fresh all the time. One type of refrigeration units that hospitality businesses should possess is the back bar bottle coolers. Back bar bottle coolers are coolers […]
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What are Some Key Considerations for Coolroom Installation?
14 January 2021
Food storage is crucial to businesses that sell raw food products to customers. It is also significant to those that prepare and cook meals as part of their services. And for these businesses to thrive, they must acquire a specific type of storage solution just to maintain their operations. One storage solution that can be very helpful for food-related businesses is coolroom. Coolrooms are designed to stay at a low temperature just to prevent food products from spoiling. They can likewise the freshness of food products for a reasonable amount of time. With proper setup and maintenance, these coolrooms can […]
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What is Testing and Tagging of Refrigeration Units?
07 December 2020
When it comes to the general safety and performance of appliances, their manufacturers are required to have them tested and inspected numerous times before selling them to clients and customers. From visual inspections to the general operations of these appliances, all types of tests possible must be conducted to avoid harming people, affecting businesses, and other unpleasant effects. But apart from manufacturer, appliances and other devices can likewise be tested and tagged by a competent person. A competent person is a person who has the needed skills and competencies in performing the required tasks for testing and tagging operations. Basic […]
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