4 Common Tips in Storing Food Products inside Your Coolroom Properly

26 July 2021

Coolrooms generally help business owners sustain their operations by ensuring the freshness of their food products. Through their effective cooling and storage solutions, these coolrooms can make sure that the growth of spoilage microorganisms is stopped. They likewise guarantee minimal changes to the products’ nutritional value, flavour, texture, and even colour.

But before coolrooms can provide these benefits, food establishment employees must know how to store the food products properly. You see, even if the coolrooms operate and function optimally, they still cannot provide efficient cooling and storage to food products if the latter is not stored properly.

To help you ensure the proper storage of food products inside your coolroom, here are some notable tips that your employees should follow.

  1. Let Very Hot Food Cool Down

Your coolroom might truly help in decreasing the temperature of food products. However, it is not recommended to store hot food products right away inside your cold storage. Doing this will not only increase the temperature inside the coolroom but can also affect the quality of food products that are already placed inside the storage solution. When storing food products inside the coolroom, they must be within the room temperature levels to avoid wasting energy and spoiling other food products.

  1. Separate Raw from Cooked

Not all food products that are stored inside the coolroom are raw. Many of them are already cooked and stored again for future use or consumption. While they require cold storage to preserve their freshness and avoid fast spoilage, raw and cooked food products should be separated inside the coolroom. Keeping these products separated and stored in their designated places will ensure that cross-contamination will be minimised. The growth of pathogens on these food products is eliminated when stored separately.

  1. Use Food-Grade Containers

Food-grade containers are produced to ensure that food products can be stored regardless of the surrounding temperatures and elements. They can likewise guarantee ample protection of food products from non-food chemicals, which often spoil the products as well as harm people who will consume them. Even the odours of food products are contained effectively inside these containers. So, when storing food products inside your coolroom, your employees should maximise food-grade containers.

  1. Inspect Perishable Products

Perishable productsare products that have a short lifetime and can deteriorate in just a short time. They can also spoil pretty easily if they are not stored under certain temperatures. Meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and cooked leftovers are typically classified as perishable products. If you are storing them inside your coolroom, you must check them regularly to ensure that they can still be consumed. Once they are already spoiled, contaminated, or expired, then you must remove them immediately.

Following these tips can help sustain the quality of your food products. They can likewise preserve the performance and longevity of the coolroom. If you have some more questions about coolroom use, you can contact us at P&R Commercial Refrigeration.

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